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It is all about BUGS!
Posted 09/30/24
Ohio County, WV - Miss Teresa, preschool teacher, with the North Park 4 classroom began a new study and it is all about BUGS! The children have been very busy in dramatic play in our new Bug Lab investigating, sorting, measuring, and learning about the many varieties of bugs aka insects. The preschoolers have also made spiders, caterpillars, butterflies, snails, and ladybugs for our art wall. They are sporting some really cute bug costumes, creating bugs from play-doh, and making bug cards for our friends and family. You cannot forget bugs in literacy - they've been reading lots of books and singing lots of songs about bugs too. Miss Teresa adds they are enjoying this lesson and having so much fun being creative with their classroom friends.
Contact our early childhood professionals at North Park to learn more about enrollment, 304-232-4590.