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"All About Me" Days
Posted 12/09/24
Ohio County, WV - Miss Teresa's North Park 4 classroom has been taking part in the "All About Me" days for each child. Miss Teresa shares that we make a poster with a laminated 8 x 10 photograph for each child and then created a poster based on interviewing the child. We have been incorporating our parents' help with culture and heritage, etc. The poster keepsake goes home with the child at the end of the day. The child then wears a crown or tiara and is King or Queen for the day!! He or she is the line leader, special helper, and picks out our stories, videos, and games. The children really love to learn about their friend's favorite things and have been excited to make the All About Me Child's day a special and memorable one!!!! There has been lots of laughter, joy and smiles for all I love it!!! Thank you Miss Teresa for sharing these joys from your classroom.
To learn about enrollment with our Head Start program in your community, reach out to the staff in:
Hancock County: 304-797-0281
Brooke County: 304-737-1338
Ohio County: 304-233-3290
Marshall County: 304-810-0642
Wetzel County: 304-398-2318 or 304-889-3509
We have multiple locations throughout each county and look forward to sharing information with you about our prenatal to age 5 programming.